Back to Nature…tackling the “hard stuff,” Clouds, Rocks, and Water.
If clouds are smears to you, water is elusive or “rocks are hard,” this workshop is for you!
This three-day workshop is taught with traditional oils and is designed for the intermediate to advanced painter. If you prefer to work in water-soluble oils or acrylics these mediums are equally suited. The instructor will provide photos of landscapes to work from but students may also bring their own landscape photos. Your images should include the elements we will be working on, clouds, rocks and water. If you would like to include a deer or other animal in one of your pieces, bring a picture and we can work on this the last day of the workshop. Throughout the class the instructor will work with each participant individually focusing on your personal painting challenges.
September 5-7, 2024, 9am – 4pm
The Valley Art Center
842 6th Street
Clarkston, Washington
More Details
Contact Janis with questions about the materials supply list or workshop.
Back To Nature
Back To Nature…tackling the “hard stuff,” Clouds, Rocks, and Water.
If clouds are smears to you, water is elusive or “rocks are hard,” this workshop is for you!
This three-day workshop is taught with traditional oils and is designed for the intermediate to advanced painter. If you prefer to work in water-soluble oils or acrylics these mediums are equally suited. The instructor will provide photos of landscapes to work from but students may also bring their own landscape photos. Your images should include the elements we will be working on, clouds, rocks and water. If you would like to include a deer or other animal in one of your pieces, bring a picture and we can work on this the last day of the workshop.
Day 1: We will start with discussion about difficulties you may have painting clouds, rocks and water and why. We will try to address these challenges throughout the class as a group and individually at your easel. Some instruction may be “paint along” in a step-by-step fashion and some will be following a demonstration. We will work on landscape paintings and focus on the sky and clouds.
Day 2: Following an instructor demonstration on painting rocks and water, the class will apply the techniques to their own paintings for the remainder of the day.
Day 3: Students can choose from starting a new landscape painting, continuing on work started in day 1 or 2 or work on animals in landscapes.
Throughout the class the instructor will work with each participant individually focusing on your personal painting challenges.
Questions about the materials supply list or workshop can be directed to me at: art@janisblayer.com or contact me on my cell at 808-250-2141.
Workshop Supply List
Oil Paints: Choose quality pigments. My personal preference is Gamblin.
Titanium White
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Yellow Light or Lemon
Cadmium Yellow Medium
Indian Yellow
Cad Red Light
Transparent Red Oxide
Alizarin Crimson
Cerulean or Sevres Blue
Cobalt Blue
Ultramarine Blue
(Use Walter Soluble Oils if you prefer)
Gamsol or odorless terpenoid and lidded container.
Linseed or similar oil
Solvent Free Gel (Gamblin)
Long bristle flats or filberts, #2, #4, #6, #8, #10 and one pointed round #2 or #4
I gravitate toward Rosemary and Silver brands. Boar and similar stiff bristles are generally best for Canvas, synthetics for smoother surfaces like extra fine linen or gessobord.
Panels (your choice of surfaces above) 9×12,” 11×14,” 12×16,” or similar, up to 2 each. I ask you to bring more than 3 panels (total) in case you want to start over or finish early and want to start a new piece.
Please also bring the following:
Table easel, palette, palette cup(s), palette knife, note/sketch book and soft graphite pencil, paper towels, shop rags or “Rembrandt rolls” (TP), disposable trash bag for each day (used produce grocery bags work fine), latex or nitrile gloves (cadmiums and solvents are toxic!), apron, panel box to safely transport wet panels. Dawn detergent for final brush cleaning.